- Alraeed company site is located in Solymania city on 1000 meter squire, produce and make medicine as a unique company in the region based on latest production technology.
- Kurd-Sky accomplished managed tasks for facilities.
- CCTV supply and installation 200 various cameras (Color PTZ, Dome, Fixed camera all Day/night vision) .
- Data networking 170 computer points.
- Control/server room design plus hardware supply and integration to cover all technical parts.
- Sound system installation and supply total 60 speakers.
- Telephone exchange ( PBX Panasonic ) 128 lines internal and 8 external ( hardware supply/install and networking design).
- Fiber optic connection between buildings total 4 building using MM cable.
- After sales support and maintenance for 1 year contract.
Project Info
- Category: portfolio
Project Details
Alraeed company site is located in Solymania city on 1000 meter squire, produce and make medicine as a unique company in the region based on latest production technology.
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Solymania Alraeeda Medicine manufacturer Co. (May-2010)

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