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Safetico Security solution provider based in UAE
Contact: Emad Mahmod

MeConnect equipments provider based in UAE
Contact: George Gmail

Hunter Functional Telecommunication based in USA
Contact: Brent Perrott
001 914723-3595

Televes MATV/SATV/IPTV system manufacture. Spain
Contact: Mr. Rafeeq
00972 505381819

IDMI: Global service based in Lebanon
Contact: Zakie Karam

Protel Co. offshore based in Lebanon
Contact: Mr. Hazar
009613 890003

Pure IP, VoIP solutions and service UK
Contact: Paul

Pano Zero client ( virtual computing) end unit
Radical Centralization. Simple

RFS (Radio Frequency System)
Contact: Mr. Ozan
00971 504442884

CBM Data solution and IBM Gold partner in Beirut
Contact: Pier Abijuda
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