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VSAT Internet Services

VSATs are the ideal one point setup solution for extending international voice, data or internet connectivity to remote locations where terrestrial infrastructure has yet to be developed. Our customers value the ease, flexibility and reliability of our bilateral or fully-managed end-to-end VSAT solutions via VSAT service interfaces seamlessly with voice, international private line (IPL) and internet access services to provide complete integrated solutions for our customers’ international connectivity needs. We offer shared or dedicated bandwidth services, with data rates ranging from 64 Kbps to 155 Mbps (STM1). The data rate can additionally be configured as per customer demand. The service can be simplex or duplex, symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Internet services are provided though SCPC/SCPC, DVB/SCPC and DVBS-2/TDMA. The Internet services can be selected according to the geographical location of the client and satellite selected according to the site layout. Hence, a solution is always possible for any scenario so as to hop instantaneously while maintaining fast and stable transmission rates.

Ask for a quote to find out more.


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